harjot Image
Harjot Singh

Book My Movie

This project is aimed at developing the front end of a real-world application in React. With this application, which is named BookMyMovie, users can browse upcoming and released movies; filter released movies based on certain parameters and view details such as genre, artists and trailer of released movies.

Project Image

Project Overview

This project is aimed at developing the front end of a real-world application in React. With this application, which is named BookMyMovie, users can browse upcoming and released movies filter released movies based on certain parameters; and view details such as genre, artists and trailer of released movies.

On clicking a movie’s image, users will be taken to that movie’s details page. On this page, they can book a show, view information related to that movie, or watch the trailer. They can also view the artists who starred in that movie. Further, they can rate the movie on this page. On this page, users will also get the option to book a show of a particular movie.

Tools Used
